
Course Lectures at UNIST

[4] 2023 Fall, ITP117, Introduction to AI Programming II.

[3] 2023 Spring, AI501 & EE633, Reinforcement Learning.

[2] 2022 Fall, ITP117, Introduction to AI Programming II.

[1] 2022 Spring, AI503, AI Toolkits.

Other Lectures

[11] (2023/09/15) Lecture: UNIST AI Innovation Park, “4th AI Novatus Academia 경남,” Week 2 & 3.

[10] (2023/07/21) Lecture: UNIST AI Innovation Park, “6th AI Novatus Academia,” Week 3.

[9] (2023/04/28) Lecture: UNIST AI Innovation Park, “3th AI Novatus Academia 경남,” Week 3 & 8.

[8] (2023/01/27) Lecture: UNIST AI Innovation Park, “5th AI Novatus Academia,” Week 3.

[7] (2022/10/14) Lecture: UNIST AI Innovation Park, “2nd AI Novatus Academia 경남,” Week 3 & 8.

[6] (2022/07/25) Lecture: LG DXI course, “Reinforcement Learning.”

[5] (2022/07/15) Lecture: UNIST AI Innovation Park, “4th AI Novatus Academia,” Week 3.

[4] (2022/05/25) Lecture: 한국통신학회(KISC) AI Frontiers Summit (AIFS) Tutorial, “강화학습 및 응용에 대한 최신 연구 동향”

[3] (2022/03/18) Lecture: UNIST AI Innovation Park, “1st AI Novatus Academia 경남,” Week 3.

[2] (2022/01/28) Lecture: UNIST AI Innovation Park, “3rd AI Novatus Academia,” Week 3 & 4.

[1] (2022/01/24) Lecture: 한국통신학회(KICS) 단기강좌 (머신러닝/강화학습의 기초 및 응용 강좌),  “강화학습의 기초.”